The Crucial Role of NRSWA Street Works Training Highlighted by Recent £2 Million Fine

   24 January 2024     News

Newport City Council Faces Hefty Penalty Following Tragic Street Works Incident

In recent weeks, Newport City Council has been slapped with a staggering £2 million fine by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) after a highway operative lost their life while performing road repair works. The tragic incident has sparked renewed emphasis on the imperative need for high quality street works training to ensure the safety of workers on our roads.

The HSE investigation revealed that the council failed to implement all reasonably practicable measures to create a safe working environment. The deficiencies included the absence of a suitable and sufficient safety zone between the road works area and the live part of the carriageway, as well as a lack of proper measures to secure the perimeter of the road works site against workers entering the running lane.

The incident, which resulted in the loss of 57-year-old Stephen Bell, underscores the critical role that NRSWA street works training plays in preventing accidents and ensuring the well-being of those working on our roads. The NRSWA training programme is designed to equip highway operatives and workers with the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out their duties safely and efficiently.

A stark message to those involved in street works

The HSE’s findings have sparked concerns about the level of compliance with safety regulations across various local authorities. The £2 million fine sends a stark message to councils and organisations involved in street works, emphasising the importance of adhering to safety protocols and providing adequate training to personnel.

NRSWA training covers a range of essential topics, including the establishment of safety zones, securing work areas, and implementing measures to prevent unauthorised access to potentially dangerous zones. Regular updates and continuous training are paramount to keeping workers abreast of the latest safety standards and protocols. Proactive measures, such as regular safety audits and comprehensive training initiatives, can also contribute significantly to preventing accidents and saving lives.

Safety of street works operatives a top priority

As the tragic incident in Newport prompts a reflection on safety practices within the industry, the spotlight is now firmly on the importance of NRSWA street works training as an indispensable tool for safeguarding the well-being of those who work tirelessly to maintain and improve our road infrastructure. It is a reminder that safety should always be a top priority, and investing in the training and development of our workforce is a crucial step towards achieving that goal.

Need streetworks (NRSWA) training?

At Develop Training we’ve NRSWA courses to meet the training needs of every street works discipline; from signing, lighting and guarding, to reinstating the highways, dropping a kerb, and locating and avoiding underground apparatus. We deliver NRSWA training at centres across the UK including: Derby, Swindon, York, Essex, Manchester, Norwich, Birmingham & Linlithgow in Scotland. We can also deliver onsite training if required.

Click here to view our full range of NRSWA training for Operatives and Supervisors.

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Further information about streetworks training can be found in our streetworks FAQ’s.


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